Writing, Editing, and Proofreading
In our world of multimedia and instant communication (and now A.I. chatbots such as ChatGPT!), good writing still matters.
My name is Robert S. Want (rwant@LegalEditor.com). I am an experienced legal editor and writer and provide editorial services for a wide range of clients, offering text that is authoritative and engaging and readily accessible to the reader. These are qualities A.I. editorial assistants have yet to master.
My goal is to ensure that your documents are the best they can be — whether they deal with complex law-related issues or consist of other writings, including news articles, web pages, press releases, reports, and blogs.
I specialize in presenting complex material in clear, concise prose — prose readily accessible to the intended audience. I bring extensive and well-rounded experience to the editing process, providing affordable and fast turnaround customized to your needs.
Recent Samples
For samples showing the range of current and past projects I have been involved in, click here.
Levels of Editorial Review
• Proofreading. Correcting for spelling, punctuation, and grammar including verb/tense usage. At the proofreading level, text is not changed except to resolve grammatical errors.
• Copyediting. In addition to a proofreading check, copyediting seeks to achieve consistency of style and clear up confusing or awkward writing.
• Substantive Editing. Involves reorganization and rewriting as necessary to fill in any gaps in logic and ensure consistency in tone. The objective is to improve the document’s overall clarity while preserving the author’s original intent and style.
Elements of Style
In each editing project we undertake, we try to keep in mind Strunk & White’s classic The Elements of Style, the indispensable guide, even in our age of A.I. chatbots, for those who seek to make themselves understood through written communication. Among its many tips on grammar and usage are the following:
• Write in a way that comes naturally
• Revise and rewrite
• Do not explain too much [in SEO terms, don’t overuse keywords]
• Be clear It is this clarity of style that we seek to help you achieve.
Those who edit and proofread should have within arm’s reach at all times a copy of The Elements of Style, now in its fourth edition. For more comprehensive references on English grammar and usage, we prefer the Chicago Manual of Style (18th edition), the AP Stylebook (2022-24), and Bryan Garner’s The Redbook: A Manual on Legal Style (5th edition).
Prices – Cost Estimates
I strive to handle your editing needs in a timely and cost-effective manner. My basic rate is $30 to $40 per hour, depending on the project and the time frame. On occasion, I prefer to bid for jobs on a flat-rate basis, as this enables me to focus on the job itself and not just the number of words or pages involved. Once I have a good feel for the project, I will get back to you promptly with a cost estimate. I won’t begin until you give the go-ahead.
If you wish, you may send jobs (both large and small) on a continuing basis, and we will bill at the end of the month.
Contact Information
LegalEditor.com is led by Robert S. Want (see below). You may contact him by email at rwant@LegalEditor.com or by phone (347) 804-6763.
When you send documents for review, please do so by email attachment. When possible, the file should be in Word format, though other formats are acceptable as well, including Google Docs, Adobe Acrobat, Excel, PowerPoint, and HTML.
About Robert S. Want
Robert S. Want is an experienced editor covering a wide range of subject matter. His specialty is editing complex law and law-related material, assuring that it is expressed clearly and concisely and readily accessible to the intended audience.
WANT Publishing Co. offers editorial and publishing services through four divisions: LegalEditor.com (editing, writing, and proofreading services); NationsCourts.com (reference guide to the nation’s federal, state, and county courts); CaseFilingsAlert.com (reporting on new cases filed in courts around the country); and MDLCases.com (introduction to multidistrict (mass tort) litigation and listing of pending MDL cases).
In addition to serving as editor and publisher of WANT Publishing Co., Mr. Want has worked as a researcher-editor for the Library of Congress (Congressional Research Service) and in a writing-editorial capacity for Bloomberg Law. He has an M.A. degree (Economics) and J.D. degree, both from George Washington University (Washington, DC). Professional memberships have included the American Copy Editors Society, the District of Columbia Bar, and the New York City Bar Assoc.
Contact Mr. Want at rwant@LegalEditor.com.
All work that a firm or individual submits to us for editing is recognized as the submitter’s intellectual property and will be held by us in the strictest confidence. We would be happy to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Unless you request otherwise, your files will be retained by us for one month after completion of the job.
LegalEditor.com (WANT Publishing Co.) offers editorial services for a wide range of clients including attorneys and law firms. We are not engaged in the practice of law and do not offer legal advice.
Services of WANT Publishing:
LegalEditor.com (editing and writing services),
NationsCourts.com (comprehensive guide
to nation’s federal, state, and county courts),
CaseFilingsAlert.com (new cases
filed in courts around the country),
MDLCases.com (introduction to multidistrict
(mass tort) litigation and listing of pending MDLs).